Learn, Connect, Ruminate

By Ewa Bigio February 1, 2025
It's nice to be able to put our legs behind our head. Is it necessary? Instagram-worthy perhaps but necessary? No. However all of us would like to walk, run, bend, squat and twist with the normal activities of life, and be able to enjoy these actions with as little impediment as possible. The a-ha moment for me appeared when I became an aunt. As it had been awhile since we had babies in this family, I was reminded of the physical demands of having to look after a newborn and toddler after a babysitting request. The basic requirements of carrying, lifting a child in and out of a crib, getting up and down on the floor at playtime all became very real by the time we got to the second hour of the babysitting assignment. It then occurred to me - what shape am I going to be in to enjoy my grandchildren when that finally happens one day? It dawned on me that I would have to stay in shape for the next little while if I am to be an able and fit grandmother by the time that does happen. Like your car, a little on-going maintenance can help extend the life of of your vehicle. Imagine if you never took your car for a service? What sort of shape would it be in over time? Our hip-joints and our bodies are no different. Whether you have grandchildren you need to stay in shape for, enjoy a social game of tennis or soccer, like taking a hike or go on a fishing trip every now and then, your ability to enjoy all the basic pleasures of life is very much restricted by the condition of your physical body. In particular, your hip-flexors play a large role in your sense of well-being, mobility and ability to enjoy an active lifestyle. Unlike a grumpy elbow or shoulder which we can isolate to a certain extent and continue to engage in many activities, unhappy hip flexors can really affect your overall sense of mental and emotional well-being besides, restricting movement.
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